Hi team and all BME fans, I have the same problem. I see many tutorials or examples for Arduino, which is great, but there is very low level of support for RPi (python) users. I'm trying for almost 2 weeks and my iaq_accuracy is still on 1. In fact, I'm little bit frustrated. Could you please investigate, or help me understand, what I'm doing wrong? Here is my python3.7 script: from bme68x import BME68X import bme68xConstants as cst import bsecConstants as bsec from datetime import datetime # Time info just for my purpose test_start = datetime.now().strftime("%Y.%m.%d ~ %H:%M:%S") test_start1 = datetime.now() bme = BME68X(cst.BME68X_I2C_ADDR_LOW, bsec.BSEC_ENABLE) while True: curr_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y.%m.%d ~ %H:%M:%S") curr_time 1 = datetime.now() print("Aktualny cas:", curr_time, "\n") data = bme.get_bsec_data() for i,j in data.items(): print(i + ":",j) print("\n\n") print("Test begins:", test_start) print("Test Duration: {}".format(curr_time 1 - test_start1)) **************************************************** And the python bme68x library from: https://github.com/pi3g/bme68x-python-library Thank you
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