Hello, I’m a student at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and am using one of your products for my team’s senior design project. The goal of the project is to develop accurate activity recognition (standing, sitting, walking, etc.) and relative position (dead reckoning) algorithms that can be implemented on a single sensor package. Our selected parts are below - corresponding development/breakout boards were purchased for all parts. ST LSM6DSOX (6-axis IMU) Bosch BMI270 (6-axis IMU) Kionix KX132-1211 (3-axis accelerometer) SAM R34 Xplained PRO (MCU) Other than the Sensor API Git Repository, are there any other code bases available for us to use for the BMI270? Additionally, what are the best practices for using this device, especially with regards to eliminating noise, determining accurate position, and activity recognition?
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