Hello Bosch team, I have BME680 breakout board interfaced with Beaglebone Black (I2C_SDA on P9_20, I2C_SCL on P9_19, +3.3V and GND). Using "i2cdetect -r 2" command: Beaglebone is able to detect the BME680 on I2C2 at an address 0x76. Using "i2cdump 2 0x76" command: I can see the chunk of data from address 0x76. But, these are constant values and do not change with temperature variation. I need a guidance for how can I control / access the sesnor data using c script (example) and do I need to do modify any pin settings on Beaglebone black. This is my first time working on BME680 breakout board (from pimoroni.com). So, any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Siddhesh
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