I am trying to write a python driver for the BHI160B foy my application. At the end of uploading FW I get an error raised saying the crcFromFw and crcFromDevice do not match. I calculated my own CRC with an external library, but even that does not match anything previous. The CRC accoring to my FW header should be:[154, 49, 27, 231] ;['0x9a', '0x31', '0x1b', '0xe7'] ;3877319066 What I read from device registers (0x97): [28, 198, 67, 179]; ['0x1c', '0xc6', '0x43', '0xb3']; 3007563292 What I am calculating: [156, 237, 155, 233];[0x9c,0xed,0x9b,0xe9]; 2632817641 The arduino MCU code is too large to be implemented on an Arduino. (https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BoschSensorHub) Is there an FAE for this product that I can reach out for techincal support and development?
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