Hi all, I am writing an application for interacting with bmi270 imu sensor on linux. The following steps are my attempts. 1. I'm implementing HAL for a BMI270 library from BoschSensortec/BMI270-Sensor-API: This respository contains Bosch Sensortec's BMI270 inertial measurement unit's sensor API. To report issues, go to https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/Bosch-Sensortec-Community/ct-p/bst_community (github.com) 2. In i2c read and write function implementation, I logged the register address, length and data for debugging purposes. 3. I try compiling the example from the library: bmi270_examples/accel_gyro/accel_gyro.c , but I can't get the data back. 4. I attached a relevant HAL implementation, application code and log files for more information. If you need more details, please feel free to inform me. Thank you so much in advance, Nataphon
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