Hi I finally found a good topic to bring up my questions. There are good questions for the accuracy, when this sensor is intended to be used in final product. The customer may not be interested in relatively complicated calibration. I see there is no other way to use it properly rather than adding the instruction to the final user about the proper calibration, like: after each power up: 1. wait 5min till sensor stalibize, 2: breathe air/place ethanol soaked cloth near the sensor. Is there any way to save / restart the accuracy settings after power up (state_load, state_save in bsec)? "If I turn the sensor on in the office I'm in, it normally sits just above 50 IAQ. However if I turn the sensor on outside for 10mins it gets a baseline of good air quality, so when I bring it back inside it goes up towards 150 IAQ. " I made similar tests and noticed quite similar behaviour Let me know your comments
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