Hi BSTRObin, It's been a month still spi issue exist. i tried with your example code still i am getting 0xff. i am attaching my entire stm32 workspace project here please try the same on your side . With the same configuration other slaves are responding but not BHI260ap. Steps followed: 1.bhi260ap shuttle board connected to stable 1.8v for vdd and vddio and ground connected. 2.using a level shifter MISO,MOSI,CS and SCK of bhi260ap 1.8v spi comm connected to 3.3v stm32f4 discovery SPI1(or SPI2) peripheral. 3.checked continuity on both sides. 4. Did a soft reset using command 0x14 and request product id using 0x9c (cmd 0x1c with mask for read 0x80) still getting 0xff. 5.tried with different spi config but i am mentioning one of them(spi mode: 0 ,spi clock speed 2mhz) Once again i am attaching my schematics and spi configuration. please help us with this. please note ATSAMD51 mcu is our original setup but also tried with stm32f4 same connection as mentioned in schematics and tested. still 0xff as response.
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