Hi, I am trying to get the self-test working for the accelerometer of the BMI085. It seems to work fine with the gyroscope part. I have followed section 4.6.1. of the data sheet, but my problem is that applying particularly the negative self-test polarity seems random at best - most times, it does not seem like it is applied to the MEMS structure. The positive one is applied, but it seems when the accelerometer is placed flat, e.g. zero gravitational force on X/Y, there is only very little positive self-test charge applied to it, like 20 mG. Between retries, I do a full reset. Otherwise the accelerometer works well. I notice that during the self-tests interrupts are changed to 50 Hz instead of the 200 Hz, I'm usually running, but I suppose it is not a problem to retrieve data based on data ready during self-tests, instead of manually polling for values. My question is thus: Is there anything known bugs or erratas with the self-test of the accelerometer internally in the BMI085? Is the description of Section 4.6.1. fully correct?
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