Hello, Regarding with the interface BME280 in forced mode, I need help about how to configure settings and how to read data in a minute? In my work, I can interface the sensor in Normal Mode properly with the Bosh Sensortech API, but I don't know what the configure settins should be and how to get data? Here is my sample main.c in normal mode: rslt = bme280_interface_selection(&dev, BME280_I2C_INTF); bme280_error_codes_print_result("bme280_interface_selection", rslt); rslt = bme280_init(&dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("bme280_init", rslt); /* Always read the current settings before writing, especially when all the configuration is not modified */ rslt = bme280_get_sensor_settings(&settings, &dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("bme280_get_sensor_settings", rslt); /* Configuring the over-sampling rate, filter coefficient and standby time */ /* Overwrite the desired settings */ settings.filter = BME280_FILTER_COEFF_OFF; /* Over-sampling rate for humidity, temperature and pressure */ settings.osr_h = BME280_OVERSAMPLING_1X; settings.osr_p = BME280_OVERSAMPLING_1X; settings.osr_t = BME280_OVERSAMPLING_1X; /* Setting the standby time */ settings.standby_time = BME280_STANDBY_TIME_1000_MS; rslt = bme280_set_sensor_settings(BME280_SEL_ALL_SETTINGS, &settings, &dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("bme280_set_sensor_settings", rslt); /* Always set the power mode after setting the configuration */ rslt = bme280_set_sensor_mode(BME280_POWERMODE_NORMAL, &dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("bme280_set_power_mode", rslt); /* Calculate measurement time in microseconds */ rslt = bme280_cal_meas_delay(&period, &settings); bme280_error_codes_print_result("bme280_cal_meas_delay", rslt); /* Getting the data */ /* Humidity */ rslt = get_humidity(period, &dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("get_humidity", rslt); /* Pressure */ rslt = get_pressure(period, &dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("get_pressure", rslt); /* Temperature */ rslt = get_temperature(period, &dev); bme280_error_codes_print_result("get_temperature", rslt); NOTES: I am using Nuvoton MCU. Interface with I2C.
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