Hi, I am trying to use the BSEC library with STM32WLE5 from example and I have a problem with "next_call" time. in the main I use the next code: while(1){
return_values_init ret = bsec_iot_init(BSEC_SAMPLE_RATE_LP, state_load, config_load, bme);
if (ret.bme68x_status)
/* Could not intialize BME68x */
return (int)ret.bme68x_status;
else if (ret.bsec_status)
/* Could not intialize BSEC library */
return (int)ret.bsec_status;
/* Call to endless loop function which reads and processes data based on sensor settings */
/* State is saved every 10.000 samples, which means every 10.000 * 3 secs = 500 minutes */
bsec_iot_loop(bme68x_delay_us, get_timestamp_us, output_ready, state_save, 1);
} only after starting I received valid data from the sensor, but only one time. The second reading data from the sensor doesn't work I have checked and found problem with a struct sensor_settings. It has wrong data: In settings I have incorrect value. Time stamp = 11849*1000. But "sensor_settings.next_call" == 3000164000 how can i resolve this problem? thanks
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