Dear Bosch-Support We are currently integrating a BMI085 into our measurement environment and we want to have the Gyro and Accelerometer synchronized or even better having the sensor(s) triggered externally. Internet research led us to your Github project . General questions: 1) Is the latency constant between actual measurement time and data ready rising edge? 2) Can I trigger both sensors using an external signal? (not just the accelerometer) The following questions came up after using the example API with synchronization of GYRO and ACCEL: 3) Using the example code (INT1 as ACCEL trigger input, INT2 disabled, INT3, INT4 as GYRO data ready output) seems to work. However, we are unsure if the accelerometer is really synchronized to GYRO or not. Especially when we move the configuration code to our framework, we are unsure if it works. Hence, we would like to enable the data ready output of the accelerometer on INT2. Unfortunately, this did not work (enabling seemed to be accepted by the API, but we cannot measure pulses on that pin). Is it possible to enable trigger input and data ready output on different ports? If so, how? 4) Are there any constraints on synchronization pins? Can we switch to INT2 as ACCEL trigger input (and INT1 as ACCEL data ready output if possible)? 5) Does the config dump cover functionality for synchronization (function bmi085_apply_config_file)? Does this improve measurements? 6) Is there any restriction on the measurement rate when synchronization is enabled? The flyer as well as some texts only mention 2kHz measurement rate for synchronization but we only need to measure at 200Hz. I am looking forward for your answer. Thank you. Best regards, Roman
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