Hi, I have been happily using Nicla Sense ME with Arduino Sketches for 3 months now. However, yesterday when I tried to connect to the PC, it said "Usb device not recognized". Then, I connected the board to the Portenta H7 (through ESLOV) and used bhy tool to control the board. Surprisingly, all the sensor data and everything works in bhy interface. So, I assume that maybe only the USB interface somehow got damaged? I tried another USB cable too, but no success. Can re-flashing the firmware solve this problem? How can I do so? The bhy software allows uploading firmware, but it is unclear to me where to find .bin file to upload. Can I somehow use the Portenta H7 to upload Arduino sketches to the Nicla and then read the com port? Because most important thing for me is using Nicla Sense ME with Arduino Sketches. To be more specific, I need to collect sensor data, train it in Bosch AI Studio, and run the BSEC Config file to classify among odours. If I can do so, without Arduino Sketches and USB Interface, that would be also fine. Please help, I have a couple of weeks left to submission of my master's thesis and I can't graduate without this :(((
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