Hi, As described in https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/MEMS-sensors-forum/BME680-measurements/m-p/9353#M1359 we use an example application with a precompiled bsec library for data evaluation (BME680 sensor): https://github.com/alexh-name/bsec_bme680_linux This time we test the BME680 sensor with a rasperry pi zero and the SEN-BME680 eval board (Joy-it) - so we can exclude hardware failures on our side (since the raspberry is used in many other I2C-Applications without any problems ....) Again, the measured eCO2 trendline contains unrealistic jumps and measurement results (eCO2): - Is it possible, that there is a bug in the bsec-library? - Is there a physical explanation for such unrealistic jumps in the trendline? - Maybe the firmware on the BME680 is buggy? Is an update available? Our customers expect somehow realistic eCO2 - values .... I know, it's just an estimation for CO2, and I may expect errors in the range of 100-200 ppm .... But jumps in the range of 600ppm for no reason? Or values in the range of 5000 ppm in a normal office room (I think I should be dead if the values are correct 😉 )? Any help would be great - Thanks in advance! Best regards, Bernhard Mathias
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