Hi All, I'm very new to this BMC150 sensor. I'm facing some issue to get interrupt from the sensor on applying some vibration. For my application I'm using LPC controller and BMC150 to detect the vibration. I'm able to read the data and all but some times on BMC150 is not able to generate the interrupt on detecting the vibration. Below are the settings that I've made: 1)Doing sensor soft reset by writting 0xB6 to 0x14 register. 2)Accelerometer bandwidth by writting 0x0F to 0x10 register 3)Accelerometer Range by writting 0x03 to 0x0F register 4)Writting 0x04 to 0x1B register (int2_slope enabled) 4)Writting 0x07 to 0x16 register (Slope x,y,z enabled) 6)Writting 0x02 to 0x27 register 6)Writting 0x04 to 0x28 register 6)Writting 0x00 to 0x12 register 6)Writting 0x5E to 0x11 register I've verified I2C sequence and it's proper . Regards, Dom
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