Hello! I am using BME280 with SPI, I have about 15 sensors attached to a custom board each with a CS pin. When I am only attaching 1 BME280 sensor and only reading that sensor, the data output works just fine, however if I have multiple and tried reading, only 1 of them will be reading correctly and there doesn't seem to have any pattern in which one it will respond to. I started sending the signal directly to each sensor to check the value, and while I have 6 sensors on the board, 2 sensors (#3 and #4) has the correct chipID 0x60, while the four remaining ones have ID 0x40. I have read through the other posts about incorrect chipID, and I have not found one that is applicable to me. I went back to check and realized that all the failed BME280 reading all have chipID 0x40, can you advise on what might caused this and how I can resolve this? Thank you! Clare
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