Hello again, I am having an issue where the BMI088 temperature sensor always reports 25C regardless of how much I heat the board using a heat gun. I have verified that the data coming back from reading registers 0x22 and 0x23 is [0x02, 0x19] respectively. Ie, it is not a logic / code error. (See screenshot below) Referencing "5.3.7 Temperature sensor data" from the datasheet, the above value calculates out to be 25 C. I also made sure the accelerometer is enabled by writing 0x04 to ACC_PWR_CTRL and reading acceleormeter values prior to reading temperature values every 2 seconds since it is updated every 1.28 seconds. Data log: <info> app: Accel - X: -49, Y: -25, Z: 1361 <info> app: Accel - X: -52, Y: -16, Z: 1362 <info> app: Accel - X: -50, Y: -23, Z: 1368 <info> app: Accel - X: -51, Y: -26, Z: 1365 <info> app: Accel - X: -54, Y: -19, Z: 1363 <info> app: Accel - X: -55, Y: -15, Z: 1369 <info> app: Accel - X: -55, Y: -18, Z: 1363 <info> app: Accel - X: -53, Y: -21, Z: 1367 <info> app: Accel - X: -48, Y: -22, Z: 1365 <info> app: Accel - X: -54, Y: -15, Z: 1363 <info> app: Accel - X: -51, Y: -19, Z: 1371 <info> app: Accel - X: -52, Y: -26, Z: 1365 <info> app: Accel - X: -47, Y: -19, Z: 1358 <info> app: Accel - X: -48, Y: -14, Z: 1368 <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C (2 seconds later) <info> app: Temp: 25 C (2 seconds later) <info> app: Temp: 25 C (etc...) <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C <info> app: Temp: 25 C What am I missing? Is the sensor broken? Thanks, Derek
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