I tried to reply to this before, but I think the Bosch forum software is having an issue or my post is stuck in moderation. Regardless, the issue is that in my code, I take the timestamp of the sample when the bme680 is done sampling. This is 2mS off of the next_call time which the bsec wants. After a while, this results in the bsec returning the timing error. My code is doing nothing but attending to the bsec, but obviousl it's impossible form e ot reall have data taken exactly to the nanosecond that the bsec wants. I think the bsec is far too senstive to this, especially if the mcu is going other things in addition to the bsec sampling. If I fake it and just tell the bsec that the sample timestamp is the previous next_call value everything seems to work fine.
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