Hi, for an innovative smart-home project, I am trying to use the BME680 connected to a carrier board using the Nvidia TX2 SoM (ARM A57 CPU) Unfortunately I'm unable to use the compiled binaries provided by the BSEC library, because I cannot find a suitable version for my CPU/compiler. I'm using GCC 5.4.1 on 64-bit Ubuntu with Linux Kernel 4.4.38. I tried to link my executable against both gcc/ARMv8/libalgobsec.a and RaspberryPI/PiThree_ArmV8-a-64bits/libalgobsec.a, but the binary format is not recognized by the linker. Using objdump I noticed that both libraries are compiled with elf32-littlearm fileformat (may be because Raspberry Pi 3 uses 32 bit Debian even if it uses a 64bit CPU). It's quite troublesome having an embedded library that cannot be used on modern ARM 64bit Linux OS. Is there a plan to release a BSEC binary version with elf64-littleaarch64 file format? Regards Luigi Rodorigo
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