I am using a BMI160. Normal usage will have the unit "somewhat" horizontal and I would like an interrupt if the unit is moving "too much". I'd like to be able to program the tolerance of what "too much" means. Right now, I am just using the interrupt in register 0x50. uint8_t intReg = 0x87; bmi160_set_regs( BMI160_INT_ENABLE_0_ADDR, &intReg, 1, &motionSensor ); intReg = 0x07; bmi160_set_regs( BMI160_INT_ENABLE_2_ADDR, &intReg, 1, &motionSensor ); intReg = 0x07; bmi160_set_regs( BMI160_INT_MOTION_3_ADDR, &intReg, 1, &motionSensor ); My issue is that "any motion" triggers the interrupt. Even typing on my keyboard will trigger is if the unit is sittingon the same desk. Can someone help me configre this part so it is less sensitive? I would like to be able to move it a little bit like it can be resting on somoene laying down and not interrupt due to movement from breathing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. my Init code is attached. Unable to attched so pasted here: Thanks -Ed
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