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    BHI-360 - Shuttle Board 3.0 I2C Interfacing

    BHI-360 - Shuttle Board 3.0 I2C Interfacing

    Occasional Visitor

    We are working with BHI 360 – Shuttle board 3.0. Interfacing it with STM development board via I2C using TXS108 IC, didn't getting any resonse fron the Shuttle Board. We not using any external pull_up for SCL & SDA as TXS108 contains internal 10k pull_up on both side.

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Deepak_,

    About TXS108 IC, as seen on TI's official website: firstly, the TXS010x series level converter devices can be used for I2C and SPI applications. However, due to their weak DC drive capability (20uA), it is not recommended to use such devices if the PCB wiring is relatively long and requires a certain drive capability. Additionally, it is not recommended to use internal pull-up resistors as external pull-up resistors have better driving capabilities.
    We suggest that you set the power supply voltage of both the host MCU platform and BHI360 to 1.8V, so that you can directly connect the host MCU and BHI360 without using level conversion.

    Established Member

    I am trying to use the BHI360 Shuttle Board with I2C and an Arduino Mega. I have previously explained the problem in this post( ). I am using the voltage regulator board lm2596. Could these two problems be related?

    Occasional Visitor

    I've had similar issues in the past and my first thought, it seems like a grounding issue or voltage level issue. Confirm that you have a common ground. 

    If you are setting power supply voltage of both the host MCU platform and BHI360 to 1.8V ; Note: The LM2596 has a minimum voltage imput of 4.5V

    Look at your I2C  signals with a Oscilliscope (not a Logic analyzer) to confirm the rise times and the P/P voltages to ensure you meet VIH/VIL levels. 

    Established Member

    Thanks for the reply. I am using a BHI360 shuttle board 3.0 with an Arduino mega .

    • CS (connected to 1.8V)
    • SCK (connected to the host's SCL pin)(ı used pull up resisitors properly )
    • SDO (connected to GND)
    • SDI (connected to the host's SDA)(ı used pull up resisitors properly )

    I have connected VCC(in BHI360) (1.8V) and GND properly to the host's GND.

    I have common GND.

    LM2596  getting 5v from Arduino  and giving 1.8 v to BHI360 .And I connected Arduino mega to my laptop.

    I am trying an I2C scanner in Arduino, but it cannot find the BHI360 in the scan data.

    I am new to embedded systems ı am getting data from BNO055  and BMI088 but ı cannot get any data from BHI360.


    I checked the oscilloscope data and I think my board is burnt. I never used a level converter for the CS, SCK, SDO, and SDI pins. I only used an LM2596 for VCC and GND. You can see my setup in the pictures. I used the same setup for the BNO055 and BMI088 and got the data (they support 3.3V, but the BHI360 does not). I assumed that if I changed only VCC to 1.8V, it would be okay, but I didn't consider that the Arduino has 5V and 3.3V pins. Now, I am getting a new BHI360 application board and TXS0108E for level converter. Do you have any suggestions or tips? Thanks for your time.Screenshot from 2024-08-05 13-56-14.pngScreenshot from 2024-08-05 09-34-16.pngScreenshot from 2024-08-05 13-56-00.png
