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    BHI160B Header Files Errors

    BHI160B Header Files Errors

    Established Member

    Hello Team,

    I have started a new Project to read Sensordata from the BHI160b. I'm using NUCLEO-L053R8 Eval Board which i will use to read out the sensordata. I started to follow the driver Porting guide to adapt the Functions to my Platform. After creating new Project with my STM32 init code and also included the BHY MCU driver. I got below errors 

    #include "FreeRTOS.h"
    #include "task.h"

    At the beginning i removed the lines in the file bhy_support.c
    After that i tried build the target Files then i found an errors:

    #include "asf.h"
    #include "task.h"
    #include "arm_math.h"
    #include "demo-tasks.h" 
    What do these header files do and where can i found them to build my project.? Are these files mandatory ?

    When i remove above header files then I found another error regarding twi.h file as below

    ..\Drivers\BHI160b_driver\inc\BHy_support.h(59): error: #5: cannot open source input file "twi.h": No such file or directory

    Is twi.c & twi.h files required in my STM32 Project ? I tried by removing those and compiled again but this time i found a lot more errors ?
    Please refer Attached images and help me to resolve those errors.

    Can anyone tell me which files are required to compile project in STM32 Cube IDE ? 

    Any help would be very thankful

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Welcome, vamshi.
