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    BHI260AB-BHA260AB SDK Quick Start Guide BME280 cfg

    BHI260AB-BHA260AB SDK Quick Start Guide BME280 cfg

    New Poster

    I saw the file $SDK/boards/Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260_BME280.cfg mentioned in the BHI260AB-BHA260AB SDK Quick Start Guide, but there is no such file in the v1.1.8.0 version. Can you send it to me?

    I followed the prototype of the BHI260AB Shuttle board 3.0 flyer, removed the BMP390, and replaced the BME688 with the BME280, but I don’t see the firmware of BMM150+BME280+BHI260 at present. I want to compile one myself. Can you send one to me for reference? My schematic is the same as the BHI260AB Shuttle board 3.0 flyer, except that the BMP390 and EEPROM are removed


    1 REPLY 1

    New Poster


    #Global Configuration
    #Pin,   0,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27
    pull, off,  on, off, off,  on, off,  on,  on, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off,  on,  on,  on,  on, off,  on, off,  on, off, off, off
    gpio, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz










    #Any Accel + Any Gyro + BMM150Mag_aux

    #Physical Drivers
    32,spi0,25,2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 800.000000, 0   #BHI260Accel
    33,spi0,25,-, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 800.000000, 0   #BHI260Gyro
    24,spi0,25,-, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 50.000000, 0   #BMM150Mag_aux
    62,i2c1,119,-, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.000000, 0   #BME280Pressure
    63,i2c1,119,-, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.000000, 0   #BME280Humidity
    61,i2c1,119,-, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.000000, 0   #BME280Temperature

    #Virtual Drivers,maxRate
    219, 16.000000  # VirtHumidity: humidity depends on a physical humidity source.
    217, 16.000000  # VirtTemperature: temperature depends on a physical temp source.
    184, 16.000000  # VirtPressure: pressure depends on a physical pressure source.
    240, -1.000000  # VirtBSX: BSX depends on a programatic trigger source.
    241, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccel: accelerometer corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    209, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelOffset: accelerometer offset data depends on VirtBSX.
    205, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelPassthrough: accelerometer passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
    203, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelUncal: accelerometer raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    235, -1.000000  # VirtBSXActivity: activity depends on VirtBSX.
    163, -1.000000  # VirtBSXDeviceOrientation: device orient depends on VirtBSX.
    252, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGameRotation: game RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    253, -1.000000  # VirtBSXGeoRotation: mag RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    234, -1.000000  # VirtBSXGlanceGesture: glance gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    247, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGravity: gravity depends on VirtBSX.
    243, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyro: gyro corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    208, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroOffset: gyro offset data depends on VirtBSX.
    207, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroPassthrough: gyro passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
    244, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroUncal: gyro raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    246, 400.000000 # VirtBSXLinearAccel: linaccel depends on VirtBSX.
    242, -1.000000  # VirtBSXMag: mag corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    210, -1.000000  # VirtBSXMagOffset: mag offset data depends on VirtBSX.
    206, -1.000000  # VirtBSXMagPassthrough: mag passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
    245, -1.000000  # VirtBSXMagUncal: mag raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    254, 400.000000 # VirtBSXOrientation: orient depends on VirtBSX.
    233, -1.000000  # VirtBSXPickupGesture: pickup gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    251, 400.000000 # VirtBSXRotation: RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    250, -1.000000  # VirtBSXSigMotion: sigmotion depends on VirtBSX.
    249, -1.000000  # VirtBSXStepCounter: step count depends on VirtBSX.
    248, -1.000000  # VirtBSXStepDetect: step detect depends on VirtBSX.
    236, -1.000000  # VirtBSXTiltDetector: tilt detect depends on VirtBSX.
    192, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupAccel: wakeup accelerometer corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    204, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupAccelUncal: wakeup accelerometer raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    164, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupDeviceOrientation: wakeup device orient depends on VirtBSX.
    200, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGameRotation: wakeup game RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    201, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupGeoRotation: wakeup mag RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    232, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupGesture: wakeup gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    198, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGravity: wakeup gravity depends on VirtBSX.
    194, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGyro: wakeup gyro corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    195, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGyroUncal: wakeup gyro raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    197, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupLinearAccel: wakeup linaccel depends on VirtBSX.
    193, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupMag: wakeup mag corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    196, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupMagUncal: wakeup mag raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    160, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupMotionDetect: wakeup motion detect depends on VirtBSX.
    202, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupOrientation: wakeup orient depends on VirtBSX.
    199, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupRotation: wakeup RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    161, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupStationaryDetect: wakeup stationary detect depends on VirtBSX.
    231, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupStepCounter: wakeup step count depends on VirtBSX.
    230, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupStepDetect: wakeup step detect depends on VirtBSX.
    162, -1.000000  # VirtBSXWakeupWristTiltGesture: wakeup wrist tilt gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    224, -1.000000  # VirtHangDetection: hang detector depends on a 25Hz timer.


    I configured it according to the ID, and then compiled and uploaded the firmware. Now I can read the temperature, but the pressure and humidity cannot be read? Any suggestions?

