04-07-2022 08:56 AM
I am trying to work out how to use the BHI260AB with ESP32 Devkit. I understand from the datasheet that it has BSX firmware preloaded however the data sheet does not explain how to activate it nor how to configure the device to boot to use it.Before flashing the firmware into RAM the BOOT STATUS reads 0x17 i.e Host interface is ready and no flash installed. FEATURE STATUS reads 0x00 i.e BSX is not initialized .HOST STATUS reads 0x01 - sleeping. KERNEL VERSION reads 0x00 .
I tried uploading the firmware from "BHY2-Sensor- API Library" into RAM through Host Interface. I have changed the SPI Interface to I2C Interface .However There is no Issue in I2c as I can read values at Read only registers such as Fuser2 Product Identifier (0x1C), Fuser2 Revision Identifier (0x1D), and ROM Version (0x1E-0x1F). After Uploading ,BOOT STATUS becomes 0x71 and Error Vale Registers reads 0x14 i.e ECDSA Signature Verification Failed.
The setup includes BHI260AB Shuttle Board 3.0 with level shifter and controller is ESP32 DevKit.
Please let me know about the error 0x14 , or any other way to upload the firmware in this shuttle board.
04-07-2022 10:47 AM
Hi Anonymous1,
First, make sure your hardware uses host boot mode.
As error value register got "ECDSA Signature Verification Failed", which firmware you used?
For the software code, you could refer official example code on github: https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BHY2-Sensor-API/tree/master/examples
04-07-2022 12:10 PM - edited 04-07-2022 12:11 PM
Hi BSTRobin,
Hardware is in Host Boot Mode only. I am using the same software code available on https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BHY2-Sensor-API/tree/master/examples. And Firmware uploaded in the board is Bosch_APP30_SHUTTLE_BHI260_aux_BMM150 .
Further I wanted to know more about this error.
04-18-2022 11:36 AM
Hi Anonymous1,
As you used BHI260AB Shuttle Board 3.0, did you have application boards 3.0? Then you could direcly run github example code after you connect BHI260AB Shuttle Board 3.0 to application boards 3.0. Check the haredware is ok first.
06-22-2023 03:16 PM
Apparently the current version of bosch sensortec api is not working for updating firmware of bhi260ap, use this older verison instead. It worked for me 😄