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    BHI360 I2C

    BHI360 I2C

    Established Member

    Hi, I am trying to get data from the BHI360 Shuttle Board 3.0 using I2C. I am using the same connection diagram that I used for the BNO055 and changed the voltage from 3.3V to 1.8V. I am running an I2C scanner code, but there is no response from the BHI360. I am using an Arduino Uno for testing. Is there any connection diagram or guidance for the BHI360 Shuttle Board 3.0 with I2C? Thanks.

    2 REPLIES 2

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thank for your inquiry.
    You can refer to BHI360 shuttle board schematic and BHI360 I2C diagram in data sheet.


    Established Member

    Thanks for the reply. I am using a shuttle board with an Arduino.

    • CS (connected to 1.8V)
    • SCK (connected to the host's SCL pin)(ı used pull up resisitors properly )
    • SDO (connected to GND)
    • SDI (connected to the host's SDA)

    I have connected VCC (1.8V) and GND properly to the host's GND.

    I am trying an I2C scanner in Arduino, but it cannot find the BHI360 in the scan data.

    What am I missing? Is it a connection issue or any other initialization protocol for I2C?
