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    BMA400 interrupt pin mapping

    BMA400 interrupt pin mapping

    New Poster


    I am trying to map my Activity change interrupt to a physical interrupt to trigger the host MCU. (nrf52805)

    I can succesfully read the interrupt with bma400_get_interrupt_status.

    My code for setting pin as output for the interrupt is as below:

        int_en.type = BMA400_ACTIVITY_CHANGE_INT_EN;
        int_en.conf = BMA400_ENABLE;

        rslt = bma400_enable_interrupt(&int_en, 1, &bma);
        bma400_check_rslt("bma400_enable_interrupt", rslt);

        dev_settings[0].type = BMA400_INT_PIN_CONF;
        dev_settings[0].param.int_conf.int_chan = BMA400_MAP_BOTH_INT_PINS;
        dev_settings[0].param.int_conf.pin_conf = BMA400_INT_PUSH_PULL_ACTIVE_0;

        rslt = bma400_set_device_conf(dev_settings, 1, &bma);
        bma400_check_rslt("bma400_set_device_conf", rslt);
    Also attached it. I can not get it working with the physycal pin. Am i missing something?
    I am measuring with an oscilloscope.
    4 REPLIES 4

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi baukespoelstra,

    You could add this line of code and check if INT1 pin output interrupt signal.
    accel_settin[0].param.act_ch.int_chan = BMA400_INT_CHANNEL_1;


    This was already in the code i attached.

        accel_settin[0].type = BMA400_ACTIVITY_CHANGE_INT;
        accel_settin[1].type = BMA400_ACCEL;
        rslt = bma400_get_sensor_conf(accel_settin, 2, &bma);
        bma400_check_rslt("bma400_get_sensor_conf", rslt);
        accel_settin[0].param.act_ch.int_chan = BMA400_INT_CHANNEL_1;
        accel_settin[0].param.act_ch.axes_sel = BMA400_AXIS_XYZ_EN;
        accel_settin[0].param.act_ch.act_ch_ntps = BMA400_ACT_CH_SAMPLE_CNT_64;
        accel_settin[0].param.act_ch.data_source = BMA400_DATA_SRC_ACC_FILT1;
        accel_settin[0].param.act_ch.act_ch_thres = 10;
        accel_settin[1].param.accel.odr = BMA400_ODR_100HZ;
        accel_settin[1].param.accel.range = BMA400_RANGE_2G;
        /* Set the desired configurations to the sensor */
        rslt = bma400_set_sensor_conf(accel_settin, 2, &bma);
        bma400_check_rslt("bma400_set_sensor_conf", rslt);



    It turns out the INT pins are swapped on the MIKROE-3149 BMA400 evkit.

    If I set INT1, I can measure at INT2. Checked with the datasheet, the pins are changed.

    Hi baukespoelstra,

    You could refer the example code in your other topic:
