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    BME 680 BSEC for ESP32-C3

    BME 680 BSEC for ESP32-C3

    Occasional Visitor

    Hi there, just wanted to know if there is any chance to get the BSEC library on ESP32-C3 partform?

    24 REPLIES 24

    Occasional Visitor
    Where do I need to place this file? I am using


    Can you answer the above question for I too would like to know the answer. All this is taking way to long to resolve. I'm starting to regret to have chosen Bosch Sensortec for our project.

    @Joris I have also given up and am scrapping my Prototype. If I have a look at how many replys I have gotten I am already disappointed, but then the replys I have gotten actually answered questions I did not ask. 

    This is quite a disappointing experience. It is quite apparent nobody at Bosch actually cares about this. I challenge you to change my mind @BSTRobin


    Any news about BSEC (1 or 2) implementation for ESP32-C3?


    I'd also require ESP32-C3 implementation, it is truly disappointing that it's still not supported, and not easily fixed due to your proprietary approach. Makes me think again before choosing Bosch components in the future if I have to rely on your support which apparently hasn't delivered.

    Can you confirm that it is at least being worked on and any planned release date?
