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    BME280 coating insulation

    BME280 coating insulation

    New Poster

    Hi, are there recommendation how to protect BME280's electrical connections from enviromental?

    Our company uses BME280 as Temperature/Pressure/Relative Humidity sensor in outdoor ecology hardware. So the sensor PCB is working in conditions RH up to 100%, T=-40...+40, it is caused electrical connections problem (tracks/contact pad/etc not protected from the environment).

    We want to protect electrical connections from the environment, without breaking "Handling, soldering & mounting instructions" (

    Do you have any recommendation what we can use as insulator?
    Now we are using CRC Urethan 71 vernis isolant, but not sure it is good.




    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Eugene1215,

    Please see below comment for reference,

    1, As the description from BME280 HSMI document, we don't recommend total and partial covering the sensor.

    • If you want to under fill the sensor with gel, should protect the air hole on the sensor surface and keep no gel into the sensor
    • The performance of the sensor will be influenced with under fill gel

    2, Based on the HSMI chapter5.1

    • If you can use membrane to protect the sensor and pad
    • If your equipment structure available, you can reference the design from chapter5.1