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    BME680 Temperature & Humidity compensation

    BME680 Temperature & Humidity compensation

    New Poster



    we are using BME680 gas sensor in one of our product along with bosch sensortec library along with temperature compensation feature.

    we use temperature compensation factor of 5 degrees centigrade (as derived from our hardware performance), sensortec library based on the temperature compensation also compensates humidity.

    we have an observation with the compensation when the device is powered off and powered on, initially for 20 mins the humidity values reported by sensortec library are high in the range of ~72% and constant irrespectivite of raw humidity value ( raw humidity value was varying). after around ~ 20 - 22 minutes sensortec library stats reporting compensated humidity value.

    this has an negative impact with our customers who turn on our device for first time they observe High humidity values initially.

    are we doing anything worng with compensation?


    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi nikhil1,

    BME680 integrated four-in-one environmental sensors combining barometric pressure, ambient temperature, relative humidity and gas measurement in one small package.
    Could we know: which of the 4 sensors did you use? Why use a temperature compensation factor of 5 degrees Celsius?

    HI BSTRobin,

    we are using all 4 Temperature, Humidity, barometric pressure and gas measurement along with sensor tec library to estimate IAQ and bvov levels.

    there is a 5 degress celcius thermal increase in our product to compensate this, 5 degress celcius is provided as compensation factor  to sensortec library and output compensated values of sensortec library are used to report to user.



    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi nikhil1,

    BSEC has already compensated for temperature and humidity internally, without using an additional 5 degrees Celsius compensation factor.
