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    BME688 IAQ Data from Gas Values using STM32CUBEIDE

    BME688 IAQ Data from Gas Values using STM32CUBEIDE

    Occasional Visitor


    We are developing a Indoor Air Purifier Product. In which we are using BME688 sensor to read data of Temperature, Humidity and IAQ. We are using Controller STM32F429BIT6 and Software STM32CUBEIDE.

    Can you help us to convert data of Gas Value to IAQ in C Program?
    Can you suggest any library or code for this?

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi ZEPL,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    I provided an example of BSEC running on STM32F4, which supports outputting IAQ and enables macro definitions in the attachment code user_define.h file:
    #define BME68X_OUTPUT_GAS_IAQ
    The reference code is based on BSEC2.4.0.0, and you can download the package for BSEC2.4.0.0 from the official website
