03-06-2024 02:24 PM
I am developping a solution to predict COPD exhacerbations and I am using the BME688 dev board to take measurements of gases and humidity.
Is the BME688 capable of breath measurement ? My guess is that COPD patients' breaths should have more humidity (humidity output) and a different gas mixture especially if they are smoking. Would the sensor be able to tell the difference between a sane breath and a smoker breath for example ? Should I measure the raw gas_resistance output or the bsec B-VOCeq one ? How should the measurement be made (blow on the sensor / in a confined space) ?
03-11-2024 06:27 AM
Hi 3stan,
We have not conducted a break measurement test.
BME688 has BME AI-Studio self-learning software, which allows you to capture data in your application scenario, import it into BME AI-Studio software for learning, and view the actual performance in your application scenario after self-learning.
03-11-2024 03:41 PM
HI Robin,
Thank you for your message. Do you know if the sensor is sensitive to a quick blow on it or if it should always be put in a confined space ?