06-12-2023 11:54 AM
I want to include the BSEC library in the PIC32MZ2048EFH144 microcontroller.
Can you please provide the suitable .a library file.
We already used normal library .c and .h files and were able to read the Temperature, Humidity, gas resistance, and Air pressure.
But unable to read the VOC and PPM. Kindly helps us in measuring the VOC and PPM values from the BME688 sensor using PIC32 Microcontroller.
Thanks & regards,
Manoj CH.
06-13-2023 04:06 AM
Hi manojCH,
Same question in https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/MEMS-sensors-forum/BME688-VOC-and-PPM-measurement-in-PIC32/..., currently BSEC library haven't support PIC32 platform, but if you would like to design a project,please provide your email address here or send your email address via private message.
Thank you for your cooperation.
06-19-2023 06:18 AM
Hi BSTRobin,
Please respond to the messages sent to you.
07-10-2023 08:04 AM
Hi manojCH,
Please provide your contact information, then we can contact with you by email.