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    BME688 sIAQ Scale Question

    BME688 sIAQ Scale Question

    New Poster


    I have a question about the scale used for the sIAQ values from the BME688. I'm trying to make a indoor air quality sensor and when I was testing my board, I saw that the values for sIAQ hovered around 200 for 'normal' inside air and peaked to a value of ~2900 when I put a Sharpie near it. So I am wondering is the range of values that this sensor can return? Is the 0-500 scale from the datasheet valid for only the dynamic IAQ (the one with the trimming algorithm)? I have attached the IAQ table from the datasheet; if there is another scale used for the sIAQ, would it be possible to get a similar table for it?




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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Pablo_,

    Thank for your inquiry.
    The value of sIAQ has no upper limit and can be infinitely large, without the level division like IAQ.
    The value of IAQ is relative, while the value of sIAQ is more absolute than the value of IAQ.
    Usually, indoor air quality is measured using IAQ values, and the output of sIAQ is not used.
