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    BMI 085 signal-noise-ratio / displacement measurement

    BMI 085 signal-noise-ratio / displacement measurement

    Occasional Visitor

    Hi all,

    I'm want to use a BMI 085 sensor to measure acceleration and calculate displacement of an object over a time period of about 30 seconds. For the first tests the sensor is moving in in y-axis direction of the sensor parallel to the ground. At the beginning, when the sensor is not moved, I calculate the mean of 1000 measurement values, so I can subtract it from later values.  I'm using measurement range of +-2g actually. 
    As long as I do not move anything the drift is relatively low, but especially when I moved the sensor about 200 mm the drift will get very high and it seems to me, that also the acceleration value gets some offset from the original value even if it is not moved anymore.

    I'm relatively new to this topic. I know that integrating acceleration 2 times will cause some amount of drift. But are there some general or specific hints or instruction to reduce the noise and improve the displacement measurement.

    Looking forward for your support.
    Regards, Patrick

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Mecso,

    BMI085 only outputs acceleration values and does not calculate displacement. To evaluate the noise of the BMI085, usually let the sensor stand still and lay flat, record the acceleration value, and calculate whether the noise is normal.
