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    BMI088 Low-Pass Filters / Bandwidth

    BMI088 Low-Pass Filters / Bandwidth

    New Poster


    Is there a recommended way to model the behavior of the BMI088 digital low-pass filters, as described in section 4.4 of its datasheet?

    Thank you!

    2 REPLIES 2

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Can you describ your question more detail?

    do you expect a setting table for different ODR or do you expect a frequency response plot for each fliter? 


    I am also wondering about this. A frequency response plot for each fliter would be perfect.

    I am currently using the BMI088 gyro with gyr_bw=0x02 (from the datasheet: ODR=1000 Hz Bandwidth=116 Hz). I need to know how the filter response looks (amplitude and phase) to be able to model it correctly in my sensor fusion system. More specifically I am interested in finding the timedelay caused by the filter response since I use this sensor together with other sensors, and I need to synchronize them.

    Is it possible to tell us what kind of filter (first order/second order/other) with some filter constants etc? Or can you show some plot of the filter response (amp/phase)?

    I have a lot of 80-90 Hz vibrations in my setup that I need to measure. If the phase causes too much delay for these frequiencies close to the bandwidth, I might consider running it at with gyr_bw=0x01 (ODR=2000 Hz, Bandwidth=230 Hz). How does the filter response look like there?

    Hope you can help me out.

    Best reagrds,
