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    BMI160 - Accelerometer Range

    BMI160 - Accelerometer Range

    New Poster


    I have converted the accelerations raw data into m/s^2 as shown here:

    I would like to understand the impact of the range on the actual data. At the minute, for my application, I don't know what accuracy I need yet. Understanding the impact of the range will help me choose the correct one for my application. To try to understand I tried different ranges. I get different value for accelereation on z-axis (az) which is meant to equal to g=9.8. 

    Here what I get for a az raw data equal to 2164. 

    with +/- 16G: 10.365 m/s^2. 

    with +/- 8G: 5.180 m/s^2. 

    Could you help me please understand the difference between these 2 accelerations? My undertanding is the sensor should measure g on the z axis. So I am supposed to get 9.81. 

    Many thanks


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    Community Moderator


    We have api to calculate accel value, from LSB to m/s2, as bellow. No matter which range selected, when keep accel flat, z-axis output is 9.8 m/s2.

    #define GRAVITY_EARTH (9.80665f) /* Earth's gravity in m/s^2 */

    * @brief This internal API is used to convert lsb to ms2
    * @param[in] val: value
    * @param[in] range: range value
    * @param[in] bit_width
    * @return float value in ms2
    float lsb_to_ms2(int16_t val, float g_range, uint8_t bit_width)
    float half_scale = (float)(1 << bit_width) / 2.0f;

    return GRAVITY_EARTH * val * g_range / half_scale;

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Katie2020,

    1.BMI160 had 16-bit resolution accelerometer, and supported 2g, 4g, 8g, 16g range. As you known, sensor output is LSB data format. So there is a corresponding relationship between the range and the output data(LSB). For example you set 2g rang, LSB value range is from -16384 to 16384. LSB to g unit convert: (LSB/16384)g

    BMI160 output signal accelerometer.png

    2. If signal frequency was high, you could choose a higher range. Otherwise, you could choose 2g, 4g range.



    Thanks so much for your answer. 

    Apologies, I am a little confused, what should be  g_range and bit_width? 

    The formula you have presented here is diffrent from the answer given in Does it make the answer of the attached link incorrect? 

    Many Thanks


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    For bmi160, accel and gyro are both 16bit, bit_width = 16. About g_range, you could read reg 0x41, acc_range, get this value.

    Best regrads.
