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    BMM350 Init failure in bmm350_magnetic_reset_and_wait()

    BMM350 Init failure in bmm350_magnetic_reset_and_wait()

    New Poster

    I am working on a project that interfaces with a BMM350 over I2C,

    I have integrated the BMM350-SensorAPI into our project, and everything is working on all but one of our custom boards.

    On one board I am seeing the init process fail during bmm350_magnetic_reset_and_wait(). Specifically when attempting to set the BR bit in the PMU_CMD register. BMM350-SensorAPI/bmm350.c:857 

    Where pmu_cmd_stat_0.pmu_cmd_value is: 0x00 instead of the expected: 0x07.

    Is there any known reason for why this may be happening? I was unable to find anything related to this in the datasheet. If I comment out the error check and continue on with the init process then reading the magnetometer xyz data returns the reset values (0x7F7F7F).

    2 REPLIES 2

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi huntergw,

    Could we know where did you purchase your BMM350 from?
    How many BMM350 did you purchase? How many BMM350 initialization failures have occurred? How many BMM350 initializes normally?

    New Poster


    currently we are also facing the same issue. Have you resolved the issue at your side?


    J. Chandra sekhar

