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    BNO055 Outputting Bad Linear Accel Data

    BNO055 Outputting Bad Linear Accel Data

    Hi I am currently trying to use the Bno055 sensor in a project where I need to find velocity relatively accurately for 30 seconds.
    I attempted to use the BNO055 in NDOF mode to get linear acceleration straight from the register this data however sees large amounts of drift due to inaccurate linear Accel readings.
    I checked the calibration status and all sensors and the system are reading 3.
    Is there any pointers someone may have on what I may be doing wrong.
    I am using the breakout made by adafruit for a school project and would appreciate any feedback greatly.
    5 REPLIES 5

    Since there has been no feedback for a long time, we close this question first. If there is an update in the future, you can still give feedback here.
