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    BNO055 power consumption when kept in reset

    BNO055 power consumption when kept in reset

    Occasional Visitor


    I hope this question has not already been answered in another topic.

    In my project I have a BNO055 directly connected to the 3.3V rail, so I have no way to physically disconnect the power source from the device. If in a particular application I don't need to read the data from the IMU, what's the least power consumption I can achieve from the device? I did look in the datasheet, the least power hungry mode is the Suspend Mode, but the datasheet itself does not say the power consumption I would have in case I keep the sensor Reset pin low all the time. Am I going to achieve better efficiency in this configuration than the Suspend Mode? Am I gonna to mess something up in the sensor's internal logic?


    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Mark2,

    Thank for your inquiry.
    If your hardware has been designed and cannot physically disconnect the power supply of BNO055, you can configure the registers of BNO055 to enter suspend mode to save power, which consumes approximately 40uA.
    We did not test the nRESET pin for consistently low power consumption, theoretically its power consumption should be close to that of suspend mode.
