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    BSEC Lib and .net

    BSEC Lib and .net


    We are integrating BME680 sensor in one of our smart city applications.

    Our software is running in docker on linux and is a .net based.

    How can we use a version of BSEC library suitable for our application?

    8 REPLIES 8

    Good morning,

    @olsen did you find the solution? As I see, you have a similar need?

    @BSTRobin do you need some more information from me to clarify?

    Thank you very much for your help, Gentlemen.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi olsen,

    I had replied your quesion in

    Hi intellics,

    The BSEC source code is written in C language and can only support C compilers and host platforms running C language.
    According your previous feedback ".Net Core 6.0 application (c#), running on x64 hardware in docker on linux.", do you mean you need BSEC library compiled with C# language?

    Good afternoon,

    I do not want you to build a C# library (despite this would be the perfect solution), I would need to be able to integrate your BSEC in our .net / C# / code under linux.

    This can be your BSEC library as a shared library for linux, as @olsen proposed, or any other way to use the library in .net / C# / linux environment.

    Any ideas and proposals from your side are highly appreciated.

    Thank you very much for your support.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi intellics,

    After our internal discussion, we have no plans to develop BSEC shared libraries under Linux.
