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    How (BHI260AP) Coines Example File Convert to the .FW File

    How (BHI260AP) Coines Example File Convert to the .FW File

    New Poster

    There are so many examples c codes embedded inside the coines library. Are there any methods  which  c code files convert to the .fw files bacuse when converting those c files into fw files can be upload using the desktop software.

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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Tharusha,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    The Coines installation directory contains the. fw and. h files for BHI260AP, which are used to run within the built-in MCU of BHI260AP. Only the firmware is used to run within the built-in MCU of BHI260AP.
    The C language example code in the Coines installation directory is used to run on the host side, rather than the built-in MCU of BHI260AP.
    Development desktop software loads. fw, which was compiled and generated through the BHI260AP SDK. It does not support loading any C language code and converting it into. fw.
