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    Quaternion on BHI 360 .. any ideas?

    Quaternion on BHI 360 .. any ideas?

    Established Member

    I am running the quat example on bhi 360 on a custom PCB.  I have debug output that appears correct... the sensors report active but I never get an interrupt Here:

    while (rslt == BHY2_OK)
            if (get_interrupt_status())
                /* Data from the FIFO is read and the relevant callbacks if registered are called */
                rslt = bhy2_get_and_process_fifo(work_buffer, WORK_BUFFER_SIZE, &bhy2);
                print_api_error(rslt, &bhy2);
    Here is the debug output
    BHI260/BHA260 found. Product ID read 89
    Host interrupt control
    Wake up FIFO enabled.
    Non wake up FIFO enabled.
    Status FIFO disabled.
    Debugging disabled.
    Fault enabled.
    Interrupt is active low.
    Interrupt is level triggered.
    Interrupt pin drive is push-pull.
    Loading firmware into RAM.
    Booting from RAM.
    Boot successful. Kernel version 5991.
    [META EVENT WAKE UP] Firmware initialized. Firmware version 5991
    [META EVENT] Firmware initialized. Firmware version 5991
    Enable Rotation vector at 2fHz.
    Final sensor configField Name hex | Value (dec)
    Physical Sensor ID 2X | 1
    Driver ID 2X | 26
    Driver Version 2X | 1
    Current Consumption 2X | .3fmA
    Dynamic Range 4X | 8
    Flags 2X | IRQ status :
    | Master interface : SPI0
    | Power mode : Active
    Slave Address 2X | 25
    GPIO Assignment 2X | 2
    Current Rate 8X | 3fHz
    Number of axes 2X | 3
    Field Name hex | Value (dec)
    Physical Sensor ID 2X | 3
    Driver ID 2X | 25
    Driver Version 2X | 1
    Current Consumption 2X | .3fmA
    Dynamic Range 4X | 2000
    Flags 2X | IRQ status :
    | Master interface : SPI0
    | Power mode : Active
    Slave Address 2X | 25
    GPIO Assignment 2X | 0
    Current Rate 8X | 3fHz
    Number of axes 2X | 3
    Field Name hex | Value (dec)
    Physical Sensor ID 2X | 5
    Driver ID 2X | 16
    Driver Version 2X | 6
    Current Consumption 2X | .3fmA
    Dynamic Range 4X | 2000
    Flags 2X | IRQ status : `
    | Master interface :
    | Power mode : Active
    Slave Address 2X | 20
    GPIO Assignment 2X | 20
    Current Rate 8X | 3fHz
    Number of axes 2X | 3
    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi fcovely,

    Which mode you would like to use? Hardware interrupt mode or poll mode?
