Hello, Thanks for your response. The complete source code is just this: #include "main.hpp" #include <stdio.h> #include "bma456h.h" #include "bma4_common.h" #include "retarget.h" #include "bma4.h" /******************************************************************************/ /*! Macro definition */ /*! Buffer size allocated to store raw FIFO data */ #define BMA456H_FIFO_RAW_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE UINT16_C(1024) /*! Length of data to be read from FIFO */ #define BMA456H_FIFO_RAW_DATA_USER_LENGTH UINT16_C(1024) /*! Setting a watermark level in FIFO */ #define BMA456H_FIFO_WATERMARK_LEVEL UINT16_C(192) /*! Number of accel frames to be extracted from FIFO * Calculation: * fifo_watermark_level = 600, accel_frame_len = 6. * fifo_accel_frame_count = (600 / 6) = 100 frames */ #define BMA456H_FIFO_ACCEL_FRAME_COUNT UINT8_C(32) struct bma4_int_pin_config bmint = {0}; /******************************************************************************/ /*! Function */ /* This function starts the execution of program */ int main(void) { /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_I2C1_Init(); RetargetInit(&huart2); printf("Start! \n\r"); uint8_t anymot_en[2] = {0x28, 0x3F}; /* Status of API are returned to this variable */ int8_t rslt; /* Accelerometer configuration structure */ struct bma4_accel_config acc_conf = {0}; struct bma456h_any_no_mot_config any_mot = {0}; struct bma456h_auto_low_power balp = {0}; /* Sensor initialization configuration */ struct bma4_dev dev = {0}; /* Number of accelerometer frames */ uint16_t accel_length; /* Variable to idx bytes */ uint16_t idx = 0; /* Variable to store the available frame length count in FIFO */ uint8_t frame_count; /* Number of bytes of FIFO data */ uint8_t fifo_data[BMA456H_FIFO_RAW_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; /* Array of accelerometer frames -> Total bytes = * 100 * (6 axes bytes(+/- x,y,z)) = 600 bytes */ struct bma4_accel fifo_accel_data[BMA456H_FIFO_ACCEL_FRAME_COUNT] = {0}; /* Initialize FIFO frame structure */ struct bma4_fifo_frame fifoframe = {0}; /* Variable that contains interrupt status value */ uint8_t int_status = 0; /* Variable to hold the length of FIFO data */ uint16_t fifo_length = 0; uint16_t watermark = 0; /* To set the watermark level in FIFO */ uint16_t wm_lvl; /* Function to select interface between SPI and I2C, according to that the device structure gets updated */ rslt = bma4_interface_selection(&dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_interface_selection status", rslt); bma4_soft_reset(&dev); HAL_Delay(500); /* Initialize BMA456H */ rslt = bma456h_init(&dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma456h_init status", rslt); rslt = bma456h_write_config_file(&dev); /* Enable the accelerometer sensor */ rslt = bma4_set_accel_enable(BMA4_ENABLE, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_accel_enable status", rslt); /* Accelerometer configuration settings */ acc_conf.odr = BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_100HZ; acc_conf.bandwidth = BMA4_ACCEL_NORMAL_AVG4; acc_conf.range = BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_2G; /* Set the accel configurations */ rslt = bma4_set_accel_config(&acc_conf, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_accel_config status", rslt); /* Disabling advance power save mode as FIFO data is not accessible in advance low power mode */ rslt = bma4_set_advance_power_save(BMA4_DISABLE, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_advance_power_save status", rslt); /* Clear FIFO configuration register */ rslt = bma4_set_fifo_config(BMA4_FIFO_ALL, BMA4_DISABLE, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_fifo_config disable status", rslt); /* Set FIFO configuration by enabling accel. * NOTE 1: The header mode is enabled by default. * NOTE 2: By default the FIFO operating mode is FIFO mode. */ rslt = bma4_set_fifo_config(BMA4_FIFO_ACCEL, BMA4_ENABLE, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_fifo_config enable status", rslt); /* Update FIFO structure */ fifoframe.data = fifo_data; fifoframe.length = BMA456H_FIFO_RAW_DATA_USER_LENGTH; /* To enable headerless mode, disable the header. */ rslt = bma4_set_fifo_config(BMA4_FIFO_HEADER, BMA4_DISABLE, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_fifo_config status", rslt); printf("FIFO is configured in headerless mode\n"); HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, BMA4_I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY << 1, anymot_en, 2, HAL_MAX_DELAY); rslt = bma456h_get_any_mot_config(&any_mot, &dev); if (rslt == BMA4_OK) { any_mot.threshold = 129; any_mot.duration = 16; any_mot.intr_bhvr = 0; any_mot.slope = 1; rslt = bma456h_set_any_mot_config(&any_mot, &dev); } rslt = bma4_get_int_pin_config(&bmint, 0, &dev); if (rslt == BMA4_OK) { bmint.edge_ctrl = 0; bmint.input_en = 0; bmint.lvl = 1; bmint.od = 0; bmint.output_en = 1; rslt = bma4_set_int_pin_config(&bmint, 0, &dev); } rslt = bma4_get_int_pin_config(&bmint, 1, &dev); if (rslt == BMA4_OK) { bmint.edge_ctrl = 0; bmint.input_en = 0; bmint.lvl = 1; bmint.od = 0; bmint.output_en = 1; rslt = bma4_set_int_pin_config(&bmint, 1, &dev); } bma4_set_interrupt_mode(BMA4_LATCH_MODE, &dev); rslt = bma456h_map_interrupt(BMA4_INTR1_MAP, BMA456H_ANY_MOT_INT, BMA4_ENABLE, &dev); rslt = bma456h_map_interrupt(BMA4_INTR2_MAP, BMA4_FIFO_WM_INT, BMA4_ENABLE, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma456h_map_interrupt status", rslt); wm_lvl = BMA456H_FIFO_WATERMARK_LEVEL; rslt = bma4_set_fifo_wm(wm_lvl, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_set_fifo_wm status", rslt); rslt = bma4_get_fifo_wm(&watermark, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_get_fifo_wm status", rslt); rslt = bma456h_feature_enable(BMA456H_AUTO_LOW_POWER_EN, BMA4_ENABLE, &dev); rslt = bma456h_get_auto_low_power_config(&balp, &dev); if (rslt == BMA4_OK) { balp.lp_odr = 3; balp.no_motion = 0; balp.time_out = 1; balp.time_out_dur = 150; balp.pwr_mgt = 1; rslt = bma456h_set_auto_low_power_config(&balp, &dev); } printf("FIFO watermark level is %d\n", watermark); while (1) { rslt = bma4_read_int_status_1(int_status, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma456h_read_int_status", rslt); if ((rslt == BMA4_OK) && (int_status & 0x02)) { rslt = bma4_get_fifo_length(&fifo_length, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_get_fifo_length status", rslt); printf("FIFO data bytes available : %d\n", fifo_length); printf("FIFO data bytes requested : %d\n", fifoframe.length); /* Read FIFO data */ rslt = bma4_read_fifo_data(&fifoframe, &dev); bma4_error_codes_print_result("bma4_read_fifo_data status", rslt); accel_length = BMA456H_FIFO_ACCEL_FRAME_COUNT; if (rslt == BMA4_OK) { printf("Requested data frames before parsing: %d\n", accel_length); /* Parse the FIFO data to extract accelerometer data from the FIFO buffer */ rslt = bma4_extract_accel(fifo_accel_data, &accel_length, &fifoframe, &dev); printf("Parsed accelerometer data frames: %d\n", accel_length); /* Calculating the frame count from the available bytes in FIFO * frame_length = (available_fifo_bytes / acc_frame_len) */ frame_count = (fifo_length / BMA4_FIFO_A_LENGTH); printf("Available frame count: %d\n", frame_count); /* Print the parsed accelerometer data from the FIFO buffer */ for (idx = 0; idx < frame_count; idx++) { printf("ACCEL[%d] X : %d Y : %d Z : %d\n", idx, fifo_accel_data[idx].x, fifo_accel_data[idx].y, fifo_accel_data[idx].z); } } // break; } } return rslt; } "FIFO not working" in this case means, that when this line is commented out: rslt = bma456h_write_config_file(&dev); I am able to see the FIFO data via logic analyzer or PuTTY. Watermark interrupts are being correctly asserted. But when I write the config file, no data can be seen via mentioned tools. So I cannot use FIFO when using application necessary BMA456 features like any motion or auto low power. Thanks, Roman.
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