Hi, I have a project where I'm trying to use 2 different BMX160 sensors to get the relative movement of one device to the other. I have managed to get sensors readings from BSXLite to each sensor (ID 0x68, and 0x69) seperately, meaning the sensore data flow is working well, but when trying to get 2 sensors output seprately from BSXLite library, I get error = -5 for the second sensor. I am using 2 different instances for BSXLite library, so I assume each call to bsxlite_do_step function should be done on different BSXLite object. I didnt see information regarding if it is possible to run BSXLite library on 2 different sensors in parallel so maybe it is not possible, Have anyone tried this before? see code below: static int8_t FingerImu_Init(struct bmi160_dev *pBmi, bsxlite_instance_t *p_instance)
/* Initialize your host interface to the BMI160 */
int8_t rslt;
//struct bmm150_settings bmm_settings;
rslt = bmi160_init(pBmi);
/* Check rslt for any error codes */
/* Configure the BMI160's auxiliary interface for the BMM150 */
pBmi->aux_cfg.aux_sensor_enable = BMI160_ENABLE;
//pBmi->aux_cfg.aux_i2c_addr = bmm.chip_id;
pBmi->aux_cfg.aux_i2c_addr = BMM150_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS;
pBmi->aux_cfg.manual_enable = BMI160_ENABLE; /* Manual mode */
pBmi->aux_cfg.aux_rd_burst_len = BMI160_AUX_READ_LEN_3; /* 8 bytes */
rslt |= bmi160_aux_init(pBmi);
/* Check rslt for any error codes */
//rslt |= bmm150_init(&bmm);
/* Check rslt for any error codes */
/* Configure the accelerometer */
pBmi->accel_cfg.odr = BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_100HZ;
pBmi->accel_cfg.range = BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_2G;
pBmi->accel_cfg.bw = BMI160_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL_AVG4;
pBmi->accel_cfg.power = BMI160_ACCEL_NORMAL_MODE;
/* Configure the gyroscope */
pBmi->gyro_cfg.odr = BMI160_GYRO_ODR_100HZ;
pBmi->gyro_cfg.range = BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS;
pBmi->gyro_cfg.bw = BMI160_GYRO_BW_NORMAL_MODE;
pBmi->gyro_cfg.power = BMI160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE;
rslt |= bmi160_set_sens_conf(pBmi);
/* Check rslt for any error codes */
//rslt = bmi160_aux_init(&bmi);
/* Check rslt for any error codes */
// rslt |= BMX160_SetMagConfig();
// gyroRange = setGyroRange(pBmi->gyro_cfg.range);
// accRange = setAccelRange(pBmi->accel_cfg.range);
// rslt = bmm150_init(&bmm);
/* Check rslt for any error codes */
struct bmi160_foc_conf foc_conf = {
.foc_gyr_en = BMI160_ENABLE,
.foc_acc_x = BMI160_FOC_ACCEL_0G,
.foc_acc_y = BMI160_FOC_ACCEL_0G,
.foc_acc_z = BMI160_FOC_ACCEL_POSITIVE_G,
.acc_off_en = BMI160_ENABLE,
.gyro_off_en = BMI160_ENABLE
struct bmi160_offsets offset = {0};
rslt |= bmi160_start_foc(&foc_conf, &offset, pBmi);
if(rslt == BMI160_OK)
rslt |= bmi160_set_offsets(&foc_conf, &offset, pBmi);
/* Configure the magnetometer. The regular preset supports up to 100Hz in Forced mode */
//bmm_settings.preset_mode = BMM150_PRESETMODE_REGULAR;
//rslt |= bmm150_set_presetmode(&bmm_settings, &bmm);
/* It is important that the last write to the BMM150 sets the forced mode.
* This is because the BMI160 writes the last value to the auxiliary sensor
* after every read */
//bmm_settings.pwr_mode = BMM150_POWERMODE_FORCED;
//rslt |= bmm150_set_op_mode(&bmm_settings, &bmm);
uint8_t bmm150_data_start = BMM150_REG_DATA_X_LSB;
pBmi->aux_cfg.aux_odr = BMI160_AUX_ODR_100HZ;
rslt |= bmi160_set_aux_auto_mode(&bmm150_data_start, pBmi);
rslt |= bsxlite_init(p_instance);
return rslt;
static int8_t FingerImu_ReadSensorData(struct bmi160_dev *pBmi, bsxlite_instance_t *p_instance,
FingImuAxis_t *pCurAxisSet, int32_t *pSensorTime)
int8_t rslt;
float32_t cur_pitch = 0;
float32_t cur_yaw = 0;
bsxlite_out_t bsxlite_fusion_out;
vector_3d_t accel_in, gyro_in;
struct bmi160_sensor_data gyro_data, accel_data;
rslt = bmi160_get_sensor_data(BMI160_ACCEL_SEL | BMI160_GYRO_SEL | BMI160_TIME_SEL,
&accel_data, &gyro_data, pBmi);
if(rslt != BMI160_OK)
send_text_msg("FingerImu Error: rslt(%d)\n", rslt);
accel_in.x = (float32_t)accel_data.x*ACC_RES;
accel_in.y = (float32_t)accel_data.y*ACC_RES;
accel_in.z = (float32_t)accel_data.z*ACC_RES;
gyro_in.x = (float32_t)gyro_data.x*GYRO_RES;
gyro_in.y = (float32_t)gyro_data.y*GYRO_RES;
gyro_in.z = (float32_t)gyro_data.z*GYRO_RES;
/** library api call: doStep **/
rslt |= bsxlite_do_step(p_instance,
if(rslt == BMI160_OK)
cur_pitch = bsxlite_fusion_out.orientation.pitch*180/PI;
cur_yaw = bsxlite_fusion_out.orientation.yaw*180/PI > 180?
-(360 - bsxlite_fusion_out.orientation.yaw*180/PI):
pCurAxisSet->Pitch = AVG(cur_pitch, pCurAxisSet->Pitch, 10);
pCurAxisSet->Yaw = AVG(cur_yaw, pCurAxisSet->Yaw, 10);
(*pSensorTime) += 10000;
return rslt;
void FingerImu_Loop(void)
FingImuAxis_t CurCIAxisSet = {0};
FingImuAxis_t CurBodyAxisSet = {0};
int32_t ci_sensor_time = 0, body_sensor_time = 0;
bsxlite_instance_t ci_instance = 0x00;
bsxlite_instance_t body_insance = 0x01;
int8_t rslt = FingerImu_Init(&bmi_ci, &ci_instance);
rslt |= FingerImu_Init(&bmi_body, &body_insance);
if(rslt == BMX160_OK)
gFingImuHandle.is_init = TRUE;
//while(rslt != 0) {
/* Wait for 100ms for the FIFO to fill */
rslt |= FingerImu_ReadSensorData(&bmi_ci, &ci_instance, &CurCIAxisSet, &ci_sensor_time);
rslt |= FingerImu_ReadSensorData(&bmi_body, &body_insance, &CurBodyAxisSet, &body_sensor_time);
if(rslt < 0 )
send_text_msg("Finger IMU Error(%d)\n", rslt);
MsgBody_Tx_Fast.ref_cmd[0] = CurCIAxisSet.Pitch;
MsgBody_Tx_Fast.ref_cmd[1] = CurCIAxisSet.Yaw;
MsgBody_Tx_Fast.ref_cmd[2] = CurBodyAxisSet.Pitch;
MsgBody_Tx_Fast.ref_cmd[3] = CurBodyAxisSet.Yaw;
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