Hello there, i am using the BNO055 in a robot for tracking the heading via the gyroscope only. The BNO055 is running in AMG mode (so no fusion) with range set to 2000DPS. The datasheets states 16 LSB/°/s overall resolution/sensitivity for the gyro. I encountered two issues/inaccuracies with the datasheet: When changing the range to 1000DPS, the resolution changes also (to ~32 LSB/°/s, i guess), but this isn't mentioned anywhere in the datasheet The resolution is not 16 LSB/°/s but more in the range of 16.3-16.4 (according to my measurements) The datasheet of BMI055 (used in BNO055?) states a resolution/sensitivity of 16.4 and the newer BMI088 even has 16.384. 16.384 would make sense, as this is 2^15/2000. Can someone please clarify this issues with the datasheet? Thanks! regards Fox
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