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    BMA456 Tap detection sensitivity

    BMA456 Tap detection sensitivity

    New Poster



    On the data sheet, it is stated to use 0 to 15, but I wonder if the maximum value of 2 bytes is actually applicable.

    And when using a value outside of 15, is there a problem?
    I'm trying to apply a value from 0 to 15, but I think the change is too insignificant, so I'm trying to use a value outside of 15.

    thank you.

    2 REPLIES 2

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi dhyoon,

    Let us check and give you feedback later.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi dhyoon,

    For tap_sens_thres, recommended range is from 0 to 15. User could use the value outside of 15. However, a value exceeding 204 will not be meaningful because by the time the value reaches 204, it has already reached full scale.
