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    BMX160 driver

    BMX160 driver

    Established Member

    Hi all

    I'm starting a new design and want to use the BMX160, but can't find the driver.
    I've looked on the Bosch Sensortec GitHub page, but there is no driver there.

    The BMI160 driver is available on GitHub, but doesn't seem to be compatible with the BMX160.

    Does anyone know where to download/clone the BMX160 driver?


    18 REPLIES 18

    Just wanted to chime back in with my solution.  I scoped my comm lines and saw that the delay function that I was providing the drivers was not accurate. Therefore the timing between some calls was not according to the datasheet. When I corrected the delay function, the communication problems with the BMM resolved.

    Great to hear you solved your issue !

    We definitely recommend a logic analyzer in every electrical engineer's toolbox.


    I have a similar problem but a good delay function doesn't seem to fix it. I'm never able to get an acknowledge bit when calling slave address 0x10.

    Does anyone else know what I can try?

    The first I²C write in the included screenshot wasn't shown correct, It was 0x7E - 0x19, not 0x7F - 0x0C.

    It's working now. I tried to access the BMM150 directly instead of via the bmi160_aux_write() in the wrapper function.
