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    BNO055: Wrong sensitivity / resolution in datasheet?

    BNO055: Wrong sensitivity / resolution in datasheet?


    Hello there,

    i am using the BNO055 in a robot for tracking the heading via the gyroscope only.

    The BNO055 is running in AMG mode (so no fusion) with range set to 2000DPS. The datasheets states 16 LSB/°/s overall resolution/sensitivity for the gyro.

    I encountered two issues/inaccuracies with the datasheet:

    • When changing the range to 1000DPS, the resolution changes also (to ~32 LSB/°/s, i guess), but this isn't mentioned anywhere in the datasheet
    • The resolution is not 16 LSB/°/s but more in the range of 16.3-16.4 (according to my measurements)

    The datasheet of BMI055 (used in BNO055?) states a resolution/sensitivity of 16.4 and the newer BMI088 even has 16.384.

    16.384 would make sense, as this is 2^15/2000.

    Can someone please clarify this issues with the datasheet?


    regards Fox

    11 REPLIES 11

    The post suggests:

    "New datasheet, new application note describing the bootloader, Errata sheet to document deviations in current firmware, Bootloader usage sample code, bootloader image, old firmware image, new firmware image, flashing instructions with and without debugger.

    Stay tuned !"

    Did this get done and can anyone point me to it/them?

    Any news about this?

    The BNO055 sensors purchage in 2021/2022 already came with this new firmware correction? 

    If I read Accelerometer registers in FUSION MODE the g-range is fix (+-4g) right? And the sensitivity is 1LSB/mg?
    And what about NO FUSION MODE? If I read the registers the sensitivity is also 1LSB/mg (the MCU inside BNO055 make sure this don't change) or in NO FUSION MODE te sensitivity is 2^14/(g-range) ??
