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    Scale Factors Modifications for BHI160B IMU

    Scale Factors Modifications for BHI160B IMU

    Established Member

     Hi Team,

    We are working on BHI160B IMU using STM32-L053R8 and Arduino code provided by Bosch. Present we are able to read data with default scale factors of Acc, Gyro, and Mag. Now, we need to change default scale factors ranges to our own. But, in BHI160B Datasheet unable to understand what values have to write to the registers for setting Acc, Gyro, and Mag scale factors (like Sample rates).
    Is that possible to change those scale factors? If Yes,
    Can anyone please guide me to change the default scale factors to our own (Acc, Gyr, Mag) ranges?

    Any help would be very thankful.

    6 REPLIES 6

    Established Member

    Hi @BSTRobin ,

    We are using "BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_enable_virtual_sensor(bhy_virtual_sensor_t sensor_id, uint8_t wakeup_status,
    uint16_t sample_rate, uint16_t max_report_latency_ms,
    uint8_t flush_sensor, uint16_t change_sensitivity,
    uint16_t dynamic_range)" funtion. Gyro Sensitivity need to be changed. Now it is written as "0" 2000deg/sec. Can we set 0,1,2,3 for other Gyro sensitivity like <2000dps or we can pass 125,500,1600 degree/sec values directly?

    Established Member

    Hi @BSTRobin 
    Any update on this function "
    BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_enable_virtual_sensor(bhy_virtual_sensor_t sensor_id, uint8_t wakeup_status,
    uint16_t sample_rate, uint16_t max_report_latency_ms,
    uint8_t flush_sensor, uint16_t change_sensitivity,
    uint16_t dynamic_range)"
    Can you tell the all possible values to pass to above function to set required configuration (125dps to 2000dps)?

    If we need Gyro: 125Deg/sec, What are the values of change_sensitivity, dynamic_range variables? 
