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    Water Damage to BME688

    Water Damage to BME688

    New Poster


    Recently, I was testing the BME688 sensor in an application where it detects substances in water. But, when testing, the sensor might have touched the surface of the water. I  am not completely sure though, because I was not able to exactly see it. Some of the problems that I have started noticing are that the board is having trouble connecting to the android app. The red and yellow light are both turning on at the normal intervals, but the bluetooth capability doesn't seem to be working. Does water damage the BME688 board (paired with Adafruit Huzzah esp32 Feather)? Furthermore, are there any solutions to fixing a water damaged board?

    Thank you the help. @Minhwan @BSTRobin 

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi sensorman,

    The BME688 sensor and BME688 dev kit do not support waterproofing as water can damage them.

    Thank you for the reply @BSTRobin

    I am still not sure if it really did touch the water though. The mobile app is not detecting the board, but the red and yellow lights are flashing. The red light is flashing rapidly, and I was wondering if that is a sign that something is wrong with the board. Are there any ways to check is the board is water damaged? And, what can I interpret of the fast flashing red light?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi sensorman,

    After powering on the board, you can open the serial terminal to see if there is any printing information.
