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    need noise parameters of BMI088

    need noise parameters of BMI088

    New Poster

    We need below parameters of BMI088 sensor.

    • arw (Angular Random Walk) in units of [deg/sqrt(hr)].
    • vrw (Velocity Random Walk) in units of [m/s/sqrt(hr)].
    • gbstd (Gyro Bias Standard Deviation) in units of [deg/hr].
    • abstd (Accelerometer Bias Standard Deviation) in units of [mGal].
    • gsstd (Gyro Scale Standard Deviation) in units of [ppm].
    • asstd (Accelerometer Scale Standard Deviation) in units of [ppm].
    • corrtime (Correlation Time)in units of [hr].
    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi mayank,

    The data sheet publicly available information on BMI088, which you can refer to.

    By the way, what application do you want to use BMI088 for?

    Established Member

    AWR and VRW are derived directly from noise density as described here.  The noise density is specified in the datasheet.

    It sounds like you are asking for the numbers to plug into a Kalman filter? Unfortunately, things are not that simple in practise. For example, the gyroscope bias cannot be accurately modelled by a Gaussian noise process. Bosch cannot provide you with parameters describing such a simplification. You would need to characterise the sensors yourself empirically, using the simplified noise model.

    Yes I'm looking these numbers for the Extended Kalman Filter. It seems a bit complex but I will look into it. 

    Thanks for the guidance.

    I'm using BMI088 in the Extended Kalman filter. which will be used in a RTK based GNSS reciever.
